M. Mignon

Introduced in the opening chapter of La Curée, along with his partner Charrier, as a building contractor-newly wealthy bricklayers. They were at the ball clumping about in heavy boots and looking ridiculous in their frock coats. They had been invited, as Saccard was to complete some business with them that night.
He came from Langres in Champagne and along with his partner formed a partnership with Saccard. The builders however, were much more down to earth and did not spend their money, which enabled them to build a vast fortune very quickly. They were clearly amused by Saccard's flamboyant show of wealth and chose to sell their land on the new boulevards at a vast profit, while Saccard built on his. They turn up at the costumed ball and at the end of the novel are seen in a coupe in the bois de boulogne taking the air with the rest of society. They are still working hard but dreaming of impending retirement.

The Society Circle
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